Thursday, July 28, 2016

Roofology - The History of Roofing

Thousands of years ago, humans didn't just have the luxury of phoning up their local contractor and asking for a furnished 2-bedroom bungalow with a brand new (weatherproof) roof.

Roofing - We’ve NEVER liked getting WET

Shelter has always been one of the instinctual needs for most species - especially ours, the Human Species and it’s ancestors - and mankind have been innovators in taking materials from the wilderness and building dwellings from little-to-no hand tools initially. With the progression of time, however, improving designs of architecture for structures ultimately saw the humble roof of grass become slate, and ornate in appearance. You could say that roofs have defined cultures and civilisations throughout world history (which puts us roofers in a very prestigious place … at least to us).

Sorry Mammoth - I’m Colder than you are!

The farthest back an instance of roofing was recorded was in 40,000 BC-era Siberia in the form of a giant mammoths skin pelt. Much later the Romans in 100 BC would bring in slating and tiling and then 735 AD - much later again - thatched roofing started being put together for the first time. It would be three centuries more before the wood shingle and it was only in the 12th century onwards things really got underway. Around that period, it was King John of England that decided that buildings in London would move away from thatching and reeding for their roofing and move to clay tiles - and this was by royal decree, mind you and was enforced sternly. Otherwise, this was the beginning of the general mass production of roofing materials and the beginning of proper craftsman in the trade.

Don’t have the time or all the materials to fix your Roofing? Brentford residents aren't left in the past thanks to Firminger Roofing Ltd!

As time moved on, so too did the roofing materials improve in both availability and quality - with new construction methods and practices created. Long after the Romans time (those who created the first proper roofing materials with imbrex-and-tegula), we have made fantastic progress in the technology and material sciences (see; Roofology!). With each advancement we have changed the way we put buildings together. From animal skin origins, the modern art of roofing is not only more hardy and resistive to damage but provide more flexibility in construction of bigger and more complex and open-plan buildings - any cathedral you see from the renaissance-era onwards is a testament to our creativity and ambition.

Is your Roof Part of the Future or the Past?

Roofs mean protection and safety in our modern lives, but it’s rare we take time to stop and consider if they are in working order. With these innovations through-out time we’ve mentioned; effective shelter and roofing has allowed us to construct and reside in abodes all across the globe and in the most unforgiving environments such as deserts and arctic tundra. Roofs have protected us from the biting wind of high mountains and have even have been part of the greatest monument palaces in history such as Versailles and Buckingham Palace.

For Roofing that will stand the test of time across Richmond and beyond - call upon Firminger Roofing - Richmond residents trusted Roofing specialists!

Luckily you don’t need to rush off out to nick a woolly mammoths hide to stay warm tonight, but the roofing trade has gone through a massive change over the last couple hundred years - although the main motivations are clear as ever; safety and protection from the elements. Staying warm when its winter and staying comfortable when its summer. A roof secures our home and everything inside and provide security and safety when properly maintained. The varieties and types of roofing now are also insanely diverse - whether it be environmentally friendly solutions or just something that looks attractive - we’ll continue to use and create our most brilliant (and practical) innovations.

You can contact us for a no-obligation quotation on 020 8567 7997, or failing that fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you with answer to you query as soon as possible! Click here for more detail.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Roofers with a few Tricks up their Sleeves

Deal with the issue for good with an effective new kind of roofing

We take a lot of things for granted with home at times. We always expect certain things to remain constant; it’s part of human nature when it comes to our homes. There’s something to be said for the belief we have in the sturdiness and resilience of our bricks and mortar; it’s why we can instinctual skeptical of the idea of repair when something finally gives out to the elements.

Your roof sees it all. Heat, hail and frost; Snow, rain and high winds; all of this takes a toll. That is to say nothing of moss and damp that can creep in and warp tiles of their perches and compromise the heat retention of the home. Now it can be fully appreciated that none of us - even the most dedicated home owner - cannot watch every creak and crack from basement to loft and nor should you. There is roofer Richmond to ensuring your home can be renewed when the time comes for a new coat of paint, or in this case a new roof. Click here for more detail.

Roofing is an oft overlooked but integral part of maintenance of the home, and you want someone that is skilled, knowledgable and … ideally very good balance.

For tried-and-tested results, Call on Firminger Roofing Ltd

A long-lived roofing business out of Richmond; Firminger Roofing Ltd was established in 1986 and is a well respected family business and has a proven track record for giving their clientele the best service available. A fully experienced team skilled in all aspects of traditional roofing in Ealing and hold to the standards of promptness, courtesy, along with being clean and tidy in their work; preparation right to clear up.

Quotations are easily arranged and you can promptly have your needs understood and can within days be rectifying the issue. Firminger not only capable of working on original tile and slate roofs of traditional homes and flats, they are also specialists in the use of replacing old roofing with High Performance, Polyester Reinforced Built Up Torch-on Felt Roofing. Not only is this roofing greatly more resilient than standard roofings; it also has vastly improved longevity.

The situation is never ideal to have to spend out on something that can sneak up on you such as replacing your roofing, but if you only needed to see to it once and not have to worry about it any farther; the inconvenience will subside to the reality of an resilient, cost-effective and well-applied new roof and no more worries. Choosing Firminger Roofing Ltd is a choice we would strongly recommend if you have any roofing-related woes that need confronting quickly, effectively and with a considerate, family-derived worth-ethic. For more information you can visit at:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Plan Ahead With The Best Roofer Ealing Can Offer

We are always going to have to contend with the rain, that is a natural part of life in Britain but hopefully the weather will continue to feel more pleasant in the upcoming weeks and months.

If you have managed to get through the run of bad weather at the start of 2016 without experiencing any major problems at your home, you will probably let out a sigh of relief. A lot of people suffered major problems at the start of 2016 but if your home is unaffected, you may be out of the woods. You shouldn’t think that you are entirely out of the woods thought because there may be damage that you cannot see or feel. It could also be the case that your roof has managed to withstand the impact of bad weather this year but it could struggle to withstand another year of the same weather conditions.

This is why you should look to be proactive and by hiring the leading roofer Ealing has to offer, you can be confident that an expert will give your roof a once over. If you were to head up to your roof, you may not know what to look for. There are some issues with roofs that are easy to spot, such as a big hole in the roof, but there are many other issues that aren’t as easy to spot. This is where you need the services of an experienced roofer and when it comes to roofing in Ealing or Brentford, you’ll find that Firminger Roofing is the company to trust. With close to thirty years’ worth of experience in the roofing industry, you can be confident that if there are any issues or problems, Firminger Roofing will find them.

Benefit by working with the best roofers Brentford has to offer


Of course, if there are problems, you want them resolved, and this is why you should work with a leading local roofing firm. You can enjoy the best standard of roofing Brentford has to offer when you call on the best roofers Brentford has to offer. Being proactive not only safeguards your home and allows you to be confident about the condition of your roof, it also helps to maintain the value of your home.

Everything you do with your home should be focused on adding or maintaining value, and this is why calling on the services of a professional makes perfect sense. To maintain your roof or to ensure that it is in a good condition to face the harsh UK weather, calling on Firminger Roofing is a smart move. The start of 2016 has been a bit grim with respect to the weather but by calling on the experts, you can look forward to a bright year ahead. For more information you can visit at: